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Package by activity

Liberal Professions email addresses

600 excl. VAT

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adresse email profession liberale

236.558 email addresses of liberal professions

The 236.558 e-mail addresses of the liberal professions are provided on an Excel file with the columns NAME - ADDRESS - POSTAL CODE - CITY - TELEPHONE - EMAIL ADDRESS - ACTIVITY

We can propose the purchase of a selection of the file on a department or a region. The best thing is to go to the section Contact and send us your request. We will reply to you by e-mail with the corresponding count and estimate.

List of e-mail addresses for the liberal professions package:
judicial administrators, general agents of insurance, lawyers, lawyers at the Council of State and at the Court of Cassation, Community lawyers practicing under their original title, lawyers registered with a foreign bar, lawyers specializing in commercial law, lawyers specializing in Community law, lawyers specializing in environmental law, lawyers specializing in intellectual property law, lawyers specializing in enforcement measures, lawyers specializing in the law of persons, lawyers specializing in international relations law, lawyers specializing in company law, lawyers specializing in economic law, lawyers specializing in tax law, lawyers specializing in real estate law, lawyers specializing in criminal law, lawyers specializing in public law, lawyers specializing in n rural law, lawyers specializing in employment law, auditors, judicial auctioneers, dentists: dental surgeons and doctors of dental surgery, dentists: dental surgeons qualified in dentofacial orthopedics, chartered accountants, bailiffs, medicine: public health, occupational medicine, occupational health, doctors: allergology, doctors: pathological anatomy and cytology, doctors: andrology, doctors: anesthesiology and surgical resuscitation, doctors: angiology, vascular medicine, doctors: medical biology, doctors: cancerology, doctors : cancerology, medical oncology, doctors: cardiology, vascular diseases, doctors: cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, doctors: face and neck surgery, doctors: hand surgery, doctors: general surgery, doctors: pediatric surgery, doctors : maxillofacial surgery, doctors: orthopedic surgery and traumatology, doctors: c reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery, doctors: urological surgery, doctors: vascular surgery, doctors: visceral surgery, doctors: dermatology and venereology, doctors: diabetes-nutrition, doctors: ultrasound, doctors: endocrinology and metabolism, doctors: evaluation and treatment of pain, doctors: gastroenterology and hepatology (digestive system), doctors: medical genetics, doctors: geriatrics, gerontology (diseases of the elderly), doctors: medical gynecology, obstetrics, doctors: gynecology-obstetrics, doctors: blood diseases ( hematology), doctors: aeronautical and space medicine, doctors: sports medicine and biology, doctors: general medicine, doctors: general medicine acupuncture orientation, doctors: general medicine homeopathy orientation, doctors: internal medicine, doctors: legal medicine, medical practice judiciary, doctors: manual medicine - osteopathy, doctors: mede nuclear cinema, doctors: physical medicine and rehabilitation, doctors: thermal medicine (medical hydrology and climatology), doctors: tropical medicine, infectious and tropical pathology, doctors: mesotherapy, doctors: nephrology, doctors: neurosurgery, doctors: neurology, doctors: neuropsychiatry, doctors: nutrition, doctors: oncology, doctors: ophthalmology, doctors: dento-maxillofacial orthopedics, doctors: otolaryngology, doctors: pathology of sleep and alertness, doctors: pediatrics children's diseases, doctors: phoniatry, doctors: pneumology, doctors: psychiatry, doctors: child and adolescent psychiatry, doctors: radiology (radiological diagnosis and medical imaging), doctors: radiotherapy (oncology option radiotherapy), doctors: medical resuscitation, doctors: reproduction and medical gynecology, doctors: rheumatology, doctors: sexology, doctors: palliative care and support, m doctors: stomatology, doctors: smoking cessation and help with weaning, doctors: drug addiction, alcoholism, addictology, notaries, pharmacies, pharmacists, pedorthists, podiatrists: podiatrists-podiatrists, dental prosthetists, psychoanalysts, psychologists, psychomotricians, psychotherapists, psychotherapists, surveyors experts

Our databases are only in FRANCE.


Database last update : January 12 2025

We send the database in an excel file by email a few minutes after your order, from Monday to Friday. There can be one or more email addresses for the same company. On our site Base-Emails.com, the email files are prepared for on order because we check and check the validity of the email addresses every day, this guarantees you the best success rate for your emailing campaigns.
Opening and processing times for your order: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. / 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

We do not send sample bases.
We can offer you the purchase of a selection of the file for a department or region. The best thing is to go to the Contact section and send us your request. We will reply to you by e-mail with the corresponding count and estimated cost.

Does the GDPR impact prospecting rules?
No: The GDPR does not change the rules applicable to prospecting emails, whether they are B2B or B2C.

Since the message is related to the profession of the recipient, you do not need an OPT-IN (or prior consent).
The GDPR therefore has nothing to do with it and nothing changes as it stands.
On the other hand:
- you must provide a valid OPT-OUT on the BtoB email.
- you must of course comply with all the rules of the GDPR, including: right to information, unsubscription, data security...

Gain efficiency with our targeted and qualified e-mail prospecting file database. The indicated quantity of e-mail addresses database takes into account the number of unique e-mail addresses without duplicates throughout France. Once your purchase of e-mail address database made, vyou can send your e-mailing on the platform of your choice or via www.envoi-emails.com. We are a supplier of professional database of e-mail addresses but also of telephone numbers databases, SMS databases, and FAX bases. See also the Frequently Asked Questions about our e-mail files.
If you have any further questions or special requests about e-mail databases, please contact us.

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